Sonntag, 3. April 2016

Interessantes Zitat aus "The Resilient Runner: Mental Toughness Training for Distance Running (English Edition)"

Hallo - Ich lese "The Resilient Runner: Mental Toughness Training for
Distance Running (English Edition)" von William Peters, Kristie L., Stephen
Kelly und wollte dieses Zitat mit dir teilen.

"It's not necessary to tell yourself "I'm the fastest runner in the world
and I feel great today"; you can't lie to yourself. Just take the thought
one step in the positive direction. Change "I don't think I can finish" to
"I can make it to the next landmark". This is known as incremental coping.
It's important not to let yourself start thinking "It's over. There's
nothing I can do" or "I'm out of it." Instead, say to yourself "I still
have a chance. Everyone else must be feeling as bad as me," or "I've
trained long and hard for this, and I'm not going to let it slip away now,"
or "This race isn't over. I can gut it out. I've done this before and I can
do it again. I can still get back into it." Your substituted thoughts
should be positive, truthful, and relevant."

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